New Chairman of the Environment Agency announced
Sir Philip Dilley appointed as new Chairman of Environment Agency.

Sir Philip Dilley has been confirmed as the new Chairman of the Environment Agency and will take up the post on 8 September 2014.
Environment Secretary Elizabeth Truss said:
“This is a vital role which carries major responsibilities. I am delighted to have confirmed Sir Philip Dilley as Chairman of the Environment Agency and I look forward to him bringing his leadership, experience and gravitas to the Board.”
The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee published a report approving the appointment of Sir Philip Dilley as the new Chair of the Environment Agency.
The recruitment was carried out in accordance with the ‘Code of Practice for Ministerial Appointments to Public Bodies’ published by the Commissioner for Public Appointments. The panel overseeing the recruitment was chaired by an Assessor appointed by the Commissioner. The Commissioner is independent of government and his role is to ensure that the best people get appointed to public bodies based on merit.
There is a requirement for an appointee’s political activity (if significant) in the last five years to be declared and Sir Philip Dilley confirms that he is not a member of any political party and has not made any political donations. However during his time as Executive Chairman, the consulting Group Arup have made contributions to All Party Parliamentary Groups and Charities as well as a £2,000 donation to the Scottish Labour Party in 2009 to cover the cost of tickets to a gala dinner hosting the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland.