News story

New chairman of the Security Industry Authority

Elizabeth France begins new role.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Elizabeth France today (Wednesday 15 January) began her new role as the chairman of the Security Industry Authority (SIA).

Mrs France has extensive experience in the criminal justice sector and is the Non-Executive chairman of the Office for Legal Complaints.

Home Office Minister for Criminal Information Lord Taylor said:

I am very pleased to announce Elizabeth France as the chairman of the Security Industry Authority.

With extensive experience within the police and security sector, Elizabeth has just what it takes to drive the Authority forward. I would also like to thank Bill Matthews for his significant contribution as interim SIA chairman, over the last 12 months.

Following an open selection process, Bill Matthews has been re-appointed as the Board member with particular responsibility for representing Scottish interests.

Key priorities for the year ahead for the SIA include the introduction of business licensing and the roll-out of licensing for private investigators.

The new chairman’s term runs for three years from today.

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Published 15 January 2014