New Commissioning for Value focus packs to help improve cardiovascular disease commissioning
Public Health England (PHE) publishes packs for each clinical commissioning group in England.

PHE’s National Cardiovascular Intelligence Network (NCVIN) has published Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) focus packs as part of Commissioning for Value, a collaborative project between PHE, NHS Right Care and NHS England.
The packs identify potential opportunities for improving outcomes, quality and efficiency at clinical commissioning group (CCG) level. CCGs can use the packs to improve the value of their commissioned CVD services by identifying where to look across the pathway which patients take through the health system, and what to change.
Working with the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), the CVD focus packs not only highlight issues but give information about cost-effective improvements CCGs might adopt which have been shown to improve care.
The packs are available in 2 formats including:
- a downloadable PDF providing national benchmarked data for heart disease and stroke, together with a summary of key messages
- an unbranded PowerPoint slide set that is available to CCGs on request to add additional local information and comment
The NCVIN can also provide additional practice level data for CCGs on request. This will allow CCGs to better understand practice variation in their area.
Alongside the packs, NCVIN offers a range of other resources which help local areas working on cardiovascular disease.
The packs and other NCVIN resources are available from the NCVIN website.
You can also access the packs and over 100 other PHE data and analytical tools through PHE’s data and knowledge gateway.
Commissioning for Value Insight packs and a range of resources to support the Commissioning for Value approach are also available on the NHS Right Care website.
For queries, feedback or more information, please email
Commissioning for Value initiative
Commissioning for Value is a collaborative project PHE, NHS Right Care and NHS England. It identifies priority programmes which offer the best opportunities to improve healthcare for local populations: improving both the value that patients receive from their healthcare services and the value that populations receive from investment in their local health system.
National Cardiovascular Intelligence Network
The Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes Strategy (March 2013) signalled the intention to establish a cardiovascular intelligence network that would bring together a range of parties and organisations. PHE has seen this as a key priority within the work programme of the Chief Knowledge Officer’s knowledge and intelligence function. The national cardiovascular intelligence network is one of a number of such networks, with others including mental health, cancer, end of life care and child and maternal health.