Press release

New Director for Transparency and Open Data announced

The Cabinet Office has today announced the appointment of Paul Maltby as the new Director for Transparency and Open Data.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

13 December 2012

The Cabinet Office has today announced the appointment of Paul Maltby as the new Director for Transparency and Open Data.

Paul will take up the role in January, when he will lead the strategic implementation of the Government’s Transparency and Open Data agenda. He will be responsible for delivering the UK’s commitments to openness, including as current lead chair of the Open Government Partnership.

Paul brings to the role a wealth of practical experience, particularly in bringing new approaches to government.

The knowledge and insight Paul has acquired through previous employment in Cabinet Office, the Home Office and, more recently, Leicestershire County Council, coupled with his dedication to opening up public services, will be an asset to the transparency agenda and government as a whole.

Cabinet Office Permanent Secretary Richard Heaton said:

It is great that Paul is joining us. Putting government data into the public domain is potentially ground-breaking, and Paul will bring energy and ideas to this important role.

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Published 13 December 2012