New exhibition showcases Lake District National Park
Artist has produced artworks based on nature and the landscape after linking with Natural England and the Lake District National Park Authority.

Local artist Caroline Stow looks out at Lake Windermere
Fans of ITV’s series ‘Deep Water’ set in the Lake District might be interested to take a closer look at a new art exhibition showcasing the stunning natural landscapes and lakes featured on the show.
‘Paper Boats: Fragile Water’ celebrates the special landscapes and wildlife of the Lake District National Park and World Heritage site. This includes the wetland habitats which provide important refuges for an array of wildlife including ospreys, red squirrels and butterflies such as orange-tips and marsh fritillaries.
The exhibition has been created by local artist Caroline Stow in collaboration with Natural England, the government’s adviser for the natural environment in England. It will run until Sunday 13 October at the Lake District Visitor Centre, Brockhole, on Lake Windermere.
Caroline Stow, the artist behind ‘Paper Boats: Fragile Water’ exhibition, said:
I have always been engaged with the natural world and often work from direct observation of landscape. But talking to Natural England and being directed to further reading gave me the opportunity to consider the unseen world contained within my gaze.
Just three per cent of the earth’s waters are freshwater, and these fragile habitats can be vulnerable to pollution and habitat change.
Dr Melanie Fletcher, Natural England’s freshwater lead advisor for the Lake District, said:
We have a shared responsibility to help these fragile habitats and by working together we can improve them for the benefit of all. There are lots of ways that people can get involved, from conserving water at home to preventing the spread of invasive species when they are out in the lakes and rivers, by using simple ‘Check, Clean, Dry’ biosecurity measures.
Working with an artist has been a great opportunity to present information to people in a different way. Caroline’s images are so beautiful and remarkable that they get people’s attention, helping to make visible what is often invisible and helping to tell the story of this very special place.
Richard Leafe, Chief Executive of the Lake District National Park Authority, said:
This art is a great way to celebrate the beauty and importance of the lakes and rivers of the Lake District.
We are planning on doing lots over the next few years to improve our freshwaters and to help visitors to the National Park to enjoy them.
The exhibition is open daily 10am to 5pm and runs until 13 October 2019.