Government sets out £2.5 million for Salisbury following the chemical weapon attack in the city
New funding announced today will keep the city of Salisbury and its businesses thriving.

The government will make available £2.5m to support businesses, boost tourism and meet unexpected costs in recognition of the exceptional response and recovery effort in Salisbury.
The money has been agreed by the government’s Ministerial Recovery Group - set up to ensure a range of national government resources and support is offered to help Salisbury respond to the attack in the city. This includes looking at economic measures and what can be done to keep it a thriving and popular city centre and tourist destination.
A £1m package of government funding to support businesses and to boost tourism and visitors, includes:
- £220,000 towards the immediate response to the incident for Wiltshire County Council;
- £367,500 to provide immediate support to businesses impacted by the incident;
- Up to £100,000 to the local Emergency Fund to support businesses impacted by the incident, as well as broader efforts to promote recovery and growth in Salisbury;
- £200,000 package of tourism promotion, including using the GREAT campaign to promote the city and encourage visitor numbers;
- Up to £100,000 to the local authority to help with public health costs associated with the incident.
David Lidington, the Chancellor for the Duchy of Lancaster and Minister for the Cabinet Office, said:
The people of Salisbury have shown great strength and resilience in the face of a cowardly and indiscriminate act.
The Government is committed to supporting this historic British city as it recovers and we will continue to do everything possible to help Salisbury moving forward.
The message is clear: the city is safe and its shops, restaurants and beautiful sites remain open for business.
Baroness Jane Scott, the Leader of Wiltshire Council, said:
This funding is crucial to help support Salisbury to recover and get back to business as usual. The focus now is supporting the city’s businesses; particularly those directly affected by the incident and to do all we can to encourage visitors and shoppers to visit the city.
We need to market and promote the city to ensure that national and international tour operators and visitors continue to choose Salisbury as a destination of choice.
In addition, the Home Office has agreed £1.6m in special grant payments for Wiltshire Police to meet the initial exceptional costs of the response – and further funding as the investigation continues.
The government remains committed to working alongside the local authority and emergency services to help the area meet any further exceptional costs arising from this incident – this will include meeting the cost of cleaning up contaminated sites.
We are continuing to work closely with the local NHS trust to make certain they have the expertise and funding needed to provide the care their community needs and we will continue to work through any requests for additional support for costs incurred.
The mental health needs of the local community may not be clear for some time but we are absolutely committed to ensure effective plans are in place and the community’s needs are met now and in the future.