Press release

New Land Registry service enables customers to view the progress of applications online

From Monday 14 March, over 13,000 professional organisations who use our online portal will be able to view the progress of their applications in real time, anytime.

Application enquiry navigation

The new service, named Application Enquiry, will replace the previous Day List Enquiry and will be free to use.

Graham Farrant, Chief Executive and Chief Land Registrar said:

Just like when we developed our award winning MapSearch service, we carried out research with our customers to understand how we could better meet their needs. The initial feedback from those who tested the service gives us confidence that Application Enquiry will make it much easier and quicker for customers to know what is happening with their application at anytime they like.

The new service was developed after customer research revealed that only 18 per cent of customers were using the Day List Enquiry and although many rated it highly, a small sampling exercise revealed that most went on to call Land Registry for more information about their application. The most popular reason was because clients or lenders wanted an update on progress or to find out whether one application may be holding up any subsequent applications.

We asked customers what they wanted and at the top of their list was whether their application had been looked at and what may be causing a delay.

The Application Enquiry service meets several needs our customers identified, such as:

  • a user-friendly search
  • more detail about an application than ever before including its progress status
  • the full priority period for Official Searches
  • the ability to save details as a PDF
  • the ability to discover whether any charges have been discharged within the previous 30 calendar days

Conveyancers who tested the service said they were able to find their applications easily using the Land Registry reference and that the changes, particularly the progress information, would reduce their calls to Land Registry. Lenders who tested the service said it gave them more information about what may be causing a delay which could lessen the need to chase up panel solicitors.

Customers will be able to access the new service from the left hand menu of the Land Registry portal from Monday 14 March. Find out more about Application Enquiry and view screenshots in our development blog.

Find out more about our online services available through the portal and how land and property professionals can sign-up to use them.

Notes to Editors

  1. The Land Registry portal is a secure website for our professional customers to access Business e-services. By using the portal, land and property professionals can reduce fees for some types of application. To get a portal account, sign up to Business e-services.

  2. MapSearch is a free online service available through the Land Registry portal. It won the digital Civil Service award in 2015.

  3. With the largest transactional database of its kind detailing more than 24 million titles, Land Registry underpins the economy by safeguarding ownership of many billions of pounds worth of property.

  4. As a government department established in 1862, executive agency and trading fund responsible to the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, Land Registry keeps and maintains the Land Register for England and Wales. The Land Register has been an open document since 1990.

  5. For further information about Land Registry visit, follow us on Twitter @LandRegGov, our blog, LinkedIn and Facebook.

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Published 10 March 2016