New Marriage Procedures for British Nationals in Turkey
Turkish offices have accepted an Affidavit/Affirmation of Marital Status sworn before a UK Public Notary or British Embassy/consulate

Since1 March 2014 Turkish Marriage offices have accepted an Affidavit/Affirmation of Marital Status sworn before a UK Public Notary or British Embassy/consulate in Turkey depending on the couple’s residency status. The British Embassy/Consulates in Turkey no longer issue Certificate of Non Impediments in Turkish.
If you are resident in the UK
Couples need to complete the bilingual Affidavit/Affirmation form and their oath/affirmation should be administered by a local Public Notary in the UK and legalised by Foreign Commonwealth Office Legalisation Department before travelling to Turkey. Then they will submit this document to local Marriage Office in the town where they are going to get married.
If you are resident in Turkey
Couples need to complete the bilingual Affidavit/Affirmation form and book an appointment at the British Embassy Ankara or consulates in Istanbul, Izmir or Antalya for administering their oath/affirmation. The document must be legalised by the Turkish Authorities, either by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Ankara or the Governor in Istanbul, Izmir, or Antalya. Once the document is legalised it should be submitted to the local Marriage Office in the town where they are going to get married.
Please use the Marriage Tool for further information.