Press release

New Non-Executive Director appointed at DECC

Martin Stewart joins DECC in June as the new Lead Non-Executive Director

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Press notice: 13/054

Martin Stewart is to join the Department of Energy and Climate Change from the 3 June as the new Lead Non-Executive Director.

Mr Stewart will replace Paul Walsh, who after more than two years has decided to step down.

Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, Edward Davey said:

“I am delighted with the appointment of Martin Stewart. I look forward to working with him to help build and shape the Department as it moves its agenda forward.

“His experience on transformation and efficiency will prove invaluable as we work to secure unprecedented levels of investment in new energy infrastructure and reduce energy demand in the economy.”

“I would like to offer my immense thanks to Paul Walsh for his work and commitment to the Department over the past two years. DECC has benefitted hugely from his expert advice.”
Martin Stewart will join DECC’s existing Non-Executive Directors, Claire Thomas and Terry Morgan.

Notes for editors

  1. Martin is CEO of Eurotaxglass Ltd, a leading provider of data, solutions and business intelligence services for the European automotive community. He is also a Non-Executive Director and Chair of the Audit Committee on London 2017 Ltd, Non-Executive Director and Chair of the Audit Committee of SIS Ltd and a member of the Supervisory Board and Chair of the Audit Committee of Kabel Deutschland Holding AG.

  2. Lead non-executive board members, appointed by the Secretary of State with approval from the Prime Minister, will: * Support the lead minister as chair of the board; * Work with the other non-executive board members ensuring that their views are given due weight on the board; * Play an active role in the cross-government network of lead non-executives.

  3. Non-executive board members, appointed by the Secretary of State, are experts from outside government. They come primarily from the commercial private sector, with experience of managing complex organisations.

  4. The main functions of non-executive board members are to: * Provide advice on performance, operational issues, and on the effective management of the Department; * Provide support, guidance and challenge on the implementation of the departmental business plan; * Form committees responsible for audit, risk, nominations & governance; * Share best practice and ensure the Department learns from the successes and failures of comparable organisations.

  5. Non-executive directors will be offered a fee of £15,000 per annum. An additional £5,000 per annum is offered in recognition of the additional responsibilities of the Lead Non-Executive Board Member.

  6. The existing non-executive directors are Claire Thomas appointed in January 2012 and Terry Morgan appointed in July 2012. Rob Whiteman stepped down from his role at DECC in February 2013.

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Published 29 May 2013