New regulations on security at civil nuclear construction sites
The new regulations extend the scope of security regulation and are due to come into force on 28 February.

New regulations on security at civil nuclear sites undergoing construction were laid before Parliament today. The new regulations extend the scope of security regulation set out in the Nuclear Industries Security Regulations 2003 (as amended) and are due to come into force on 28 February.
Baroness Verma of Leicester, Minister for Energy & Climate Change, said:
“Ensuring the security of the civil nuclear industry is a top priority for the Government. We keep security arrangements under constant review and adopt a flexible and responsive approach.
“I have today laid before Parliament new regulations on security at civil nuclear sites undergoing construction. New nuclear construction sites will be covered by these new regulations.”
Notes for editors:
- Under the Nuclear Industries Security Regulations 2003, operating civil nuclear sites are required to have in place security measures approved by the security regulator, the Office for Nuclear Regulation. Minor amendments were made to the Regulations in 2006.
- These Regulations were made at a time when new nuclear power stations were not being built in the UK and therefore only cover existing sites. New regulations are necessary to include new civil nuclear sites under construction. The new Regulations have been made under powers in s.77 of the Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 which were widened by the Energy Act 2011.The new Regulations are subject to the negative resolution procedure. An Impact Assessment for the new Regulations has been prepared and is available from the Impact Assessment library website.