New river wall to provide flood defence
Marine Management Organisation (MMO) Marine Licensing team grants licence for new development
Credit: Google Maps
Land & Water Services Ltd applied for a marine licence for the construction of a river wall, which is part of a wider urban development project at Montgomery’s Wharf in London.
The proposed work considered when determining the licence application included the demolition of existing flood defences and river wall, the installation of temporary flood defences and construction of a new river wall.
The marine licensing team sought public representations on the proposed works and fed back to the applicant. Concerns from the public around noise and the impact on residential moorings were allayed by the applicant’s responses.
The team made a positive determination on the application which included a condition that local mariner’s and fisher’s organisations were notified. The Environment Agency also requested a condition that if any de-watering work is required, a ‘pumping strategy’ must be submitted to MMO for approval to ensure the protection of water dependent species.
The new river wall and flood defences will protect the new development, including residential dwellings and social amenities, from flooding.