New rules applicable to students for NHS Bursary Scheme from September 2012
There are two different sets of rules applicable to students depending on when their course first started.

These documents published today set out the NHS Bursary Scheme rules in relation to the academic year starting on or after 1 September 2012 and before 31 August 2013. The NHS Bursary Scheme new rules will apply to students who started their course on or after 1 September 2012. The rules for students who started their course before 1 September 2012 are set out in the thirteenth edition of The NHS Bursary Scheme old rules.
The NHS Bursary Scheme new rules first edition outlines the student support arrangements for students who start their course on or after 1 September 2012.
The NHS Bursary Scheme old rules thirteenth edition outlines the student support arrangements for students who started their courses before 1 September 2012.
Students and prospective students should not rely on the current NHS Bursary rules and allowances when planning for subsequent academic years, these may be subject to review in the future and as a result may be liable to change. Further information about the NHS bursary will be posted on the NHS Student Bursaries website as and when it is made available. Students are advised to check the website on a regular basis. The Department of Health and NHS Student Bursaries will accept no responsibility for loss of any type however suffered by students who have relied on current rules and allowances in altering their circumstances (including but not limited to financial circumstances) whether for the current academic year, academic year to begin or indeed for subsequent academic years.
Equality Statement 2012
The NHS Bursary Scheme has been around since the early 1990s and is usually updated annually to take into account changes to policy. The Department of Health has worked with its key partners to undertake a review of the NHS Bursary Scheme. A number of options for the future of NHS student support were developed and assessed against a number of criteria one of which was equality. The Department of Health ran a public consultation on the options to seek the views of others with an interest, including people who were currently considering entering healthcare training. Respondents were asked to consider how far the options met a number of equality aims. The review concluded that, in the future, eligible students will all have access to the same package of financial support from September 2012 irrespective of their course. A report of the consultation, an impact assessment and an equalities impact assessment at the link below was published alongside the outcome of the consultation which is reported in supporting our future NHS workforce: consultation report.
These documents supersede the twelfth edition of the NHS Bursary Scheme. These documents are not distributed in hard copy