New secure site for processing illegal migrants
Manston in Kent announced as new site for secure processing of small boat arrivals.

The Home Office has confirmed that part of the Ministry of Defence site at Manston, Kent will be used as a processing site for illegal migrants by January 2022.
The new, secure site will be able to hold migrants for up to 5 days as security and identity checks are completed.
Minister for Justice and Tackling Illegal Migration, Tom Pursglove said:
We are overhauling our broken asylum system to ensure people smugglers can’t profit from this vile trade. This new site will provide safe and secure accommodation for illegal migrants whilst the government carries out necessary checks. It is only our New Plan for Immigration which will reform the system and build one which is fair on those who play by the rules, and firm on those who do not.
The New Plan for Immigration (NPI) is the only credible long-term plan to fix the broken asylum system and bring the exploitation by criminal gangs to an end.
The NPI will reduce the pull factor of the UK by making it more difficult for illegal migrants to remain in the UK. It will also see a move away from unsustainable hotel accommodation towards dedicated reception centres.