New services launched for complex commercial transactions and infrastructure developments
We’re making it quicker and simpler for customers managing complex commercial transactions, or infrastructure developments to do business with us.

[English] - [Cymraeg]
In response to customer feedback, we have launched 2 new services today (4 November 2019) that make it easier for customers to register complex and interdependent transactions.
The launch follows 2 successful pilots, which began in June 2018 with 11 customers. By working with some of our customers we have been able to deliver services that provide greater certainty on how to approach complex transactions. This builds in consistency and provides customers with a simpler experience that enhances efficiency. It further demonstrates our ongoing commitment of listening to customers to deliver the improvements and innovation they want.
Pre-submission Enquiry Service
The Pre-submission Enquiry Service provides those managing complex commercial projects with technical and procedural guidance, prior to an application being submitted. By providing customers with direct access to a team of expert caseworkers we can address potential issues before applications are submitted. This should avoid unnecessary requests for information (requisitions), which often emerge later in the process.
Application Management Service
Our Application Management Service gives customers end-to-end assistance, from the initial discussion prior to lodgment, through to post-completion support. With applications managed and coordinated in one location, customers can have confidence that their applications will be handled consistently.
Chris Pope, Chief Operations Officer said:
We are working to fulfil our Business Strategy commitment to help customers who manage large complex commercial transactions or infrastructure developments. These customers often handle multi-layered transactions, which can be complicated by priority issues and have several firms representing different parties.
We want to continue to create efficiencies that improve the conveyancing process for everyone. By listening to customers and capitalising on our caseworkers expertise, we are delivering services that meet market needs.
Closer working between customers and caseworkers, has already resulted in application quality improvements. Mills & Reeve LLP who used our Application Management Service during the pilot, had been experiencing difficulties registering complex applications that contained large sized plans. They told us:
You managed to achieve, in less than 1 month, what we’ve been trying to get done for over 4 years! Having one person to work with throughout who understood what we were doing was invaluable.
We will continue to develop products and services that make it easier for customers to do business with us, by working with customers and stakeholders to find out first-hand how we can meet their needs.
For more information about these services, visit Submit complex commercial or infrastructure development enquiries and transactions to HM Land Registry.
[English] - [Cymraeg]
Lansio gwasanaethau newydd ar gyfer trafodion masnachol cymhleth a datblygiadau seilwaith
Rydym yn ei gwneud yn gyflymach ac yn symlach i gwsmeriaid reoli trafodion masnachol cymhleth neu ddatblygiadau seilwaith er mwyn gwneud busnes â ni.
Mewn ymateb i adborth gan gwsmeriaid, rydym wedi lansio 2 wasanaeth newydd heddiw (4 Tachwedd 2019) sy’n ei gwneud yn haws i gwsmeriaid gofrestru trafodion cymhleth a rhyng-ddibynnol.
Mae’r lansiad yn dilyn 2 gynllun peilot llwyddiannus, a ddechreuodd ym Mehefin 2018 gydag 11 o gwsmeriaid. Trwy gydweithio â rhai o’n cwsmeriaid rydym wedi gallu darparu gwasanaethau sy’n rhoi mwy o sicrwydd o ran sut i gyflawni trafodion cymhleth. Mae hyn yn adeiladu cysondeb ac yn rhoi profiad symlach i gwsmeriaid sy’n gwella effeithlonrwydd. Mae’n dangos ymhellach ein hymrwymiad parhaus at wrando ar gwsmeriaid i gyflawni’r gwelliannau a’r arloesi y maent yn dymuno eu cael.
Gwasanaeth Ymholi Cyn-gyflwyno
Mae’r Gwasanaeth Ymholi Cyn-gyflwyno yn rhoi arweiniad technegol a gweithdrefnol i’r rhai sy’n rheoli prosiectau masnachol cymhleth cyn cyflwyno cais. Trwy gael tîm o weithwyr achosion arbenigol y gall cwsmeriaid gael mynediad uniongyrchol iddynt, gallwn roi sylw i unrhyw broblemau posibl cyn i geisiadau gael eu cyflwyno. Dylai hyn osgoi unrhyw geisiadau diangen am wybodaeth (ymholiadau) sydd yn dod i’r amlwg yn aml yn hwyrach yn y broses.
Gwasanaeth Rheoli Ceisiadau
Mae ein Gwasanaeth Rheoli Ceisiadau yn rhoi cymorth o’r dechrau i’r diwedd i gwsmeriaid, o’r trafodaethau cychwynnol cyn cyflwyno cais hyd at gymorth ar ôl cwblhau’r cais. Gyda cheisiadau’n cael eu rheoli a’u cydlynu mewn un lleoliad, gall cwsmeriaid fod yn hyderus y caiff eu ceisiadau eu trin yn gyson.
Dywedodd Chris Pope, Prif Swyddog Gweithrediadau:
Rydym yn gweithio i wireddu ymrwymiad ein Strategaeth Fusnes i helpu cwsmeriaid sy’n rheoli trafodion masnachol cymhleth neu ddatblygiadau seilwaith. Yn aml iawn bydd y cwsmeriaid hyn yn delio â thrafodion amlhaenog a all gael eu cymhlethu gan faterion sydd â blaenoriaeth a chael sawl cwmni yn cynrychioli partïon gwahanol.
Rydym am barhau i greu arbedion effeithlonrwydd sy’n gwella’r broses drawsgludo i bawb. Trwy wrando ar gwsmeriaid a manteisio i’r eithaf ar arbenigedd ein gweithwyr achosion rydym yn darparu gwasanaethau sy’n ateb anghenion y farchnad.
Mae cydweithio agosach rhwng cwsmeriaid a gweithwyr achosion eisoes wedi arwain at wella ansawdd ceisiadau. Roedd Mills & Reeve LLP, a ddefnyddiodd ein Gwasanaeth Rheoli Ceisiadau yn ystod y cynllun peilot, wedi bod yn cael anawsterau yn cofrestru ceisiadau cymhleth oedd yn cynnwys cynlluniau mawr. Dywedon nhw wrthym:
Rydych chi wedi llwyddo i gyflawni, mewn llai na mis, yr hyn y buom ni’n ceisio ei gyflawni am dros 4 blynedd! Mae gweithio gydag un person trwy gydol y broses sy’n deall beth oeddem yn ei wneud yn amhrisiadwy.
Byddwn yn parhau i ddatblygu cynhyrchion a gwasanaethau sy’n ei gwneud yn haws i gwsmeriaid wneud busnes â ni, trwy weithio gyda chwsmeriaid a budd-ddeiliaid i gael gwybod yn y fan a’r lle sut y gallwn ni ateb eu hanghenion.
I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y gwasanaethau hyn, ewch i Gyflwyno ymholiadau a thrafodion masnachol cymhleth neu ddatblygiadau seilwaith i Gofrestrfa Tir EM.