New UKCES Masterclass sessions announced
The UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES) has announced two new Masterclass sessions, offering expert views and insight into skills issues in the UK.

New UKCES Masterclass sessions announced
The UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES) has announced the next two dates for its ongoing series of UKCES Masterclass sessions.
The free sessions, taking place in March and April, will cover two new topics - discussing future issues and challenges facing Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) working on vocational education and training, and examining the changing face of graduate jobs in higher education.
The UKCES Masterclass sessions are run in partnership with the Centre for Learning and Life Chances in Knowledge Economies and Societies (LLAKES). Each session is hosted by a guest speaker - a specialist in their chosen field - and offers an in depth discussion on the latest research, ideas and talking points on a particular topic.
In the first session - taking place on 26 March - Professor David Guile of the Institute of Education, University College London, will discuss the current issues with the nature, scale and location of processes that support innovation and regeneration at local levels. The session will also highlight the ways in which employers facilitate learning, and the interaction between firms and educational institutions - looking specifically at the challenges faced by Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) looking to align vocational education and training, and economic and social regeneration.
The second session, held on 23 April, will be hosted by Professor Francis Green of the Institute of Education, University College London. This session will question what is meant by “graduate jobs”, and ask is the traditional presumption still true, that graduates are only succeeding if they join professional and managerial occupations? The session will also include a discuss on the concept and measurement of graduate jobs, and present recent trends on the employment of graduates in Britain as well as international comparisons.
- Further details and booking for the UKCES Masterclass on future challenges for LEPs can be found here
- Further details and booking for the UKCES Masterclass on the changing face of graduate jobs can be found here
Find out more about UKCES Masterclass sessions, and catch up on previous discussions, on the UKCES Masterclass page.