Newton-Paulet Fund: first call for workshops and researcher travel grants now open
We welcome applications from researchers and scientists in the UK and Peru for the Researcher Links programme covering water, biodiversity and health.
As part of the UK’s Newton Fund, the first call for bids of the Newton-Paulet Fund is now open. The call for the Researcher Links Programme is being implemented by the British Council and Cienciactiva.
The programme’s objective is to promote scientific cooperation and research through travel grants and workshops that will aim to create links between scientists and researchers in the UK and Peru. The programme also aims to build capabilities. Applications must be focused on one or more of the following priority topics:
- water, including but not limited to, the impact of glacier retreat
- biodiversity and Peru’s unique geography
- health, specifically malnutrition and anaemia
Researcher Links has two funding formats:
- Travel grants: International research placements with the objective of training Peruvian researchers and building links for future research projects. Researchers and scientists need to reside in Peru before applying for a placement in a British University or Research Institution
- Workshops: Financial support to develop workshops about the mentioned priority areas with the aim of contributing to scientific knowledge and research in Peru, and build links among attendees
All applications for Researcher Links must be submitted in English.
Researchers in the UK must apply through the British Council.
Researchers in Peru must apply through Cienciactiva.
Closing date for this call is 25 October 2017.