NHS charges from April 2013 announced
The NHS prescription charge in England will increase by 20p from £7.65 to £7.85 for each quantity of a drug or appliance from 1 April 2013.

However, the cost of a prescription prepayment certificate (PPC) will remain at £29.10 for a 3 month certificate. The cost of the annual certificate will remain at £104.
PPCs offer savings for those needing 4 or more items in 3 months or 14 or more items in one year.
In England, around 90 per cent of prescription items are dispensed free.
Dental charges
- The dental charge payable for a band one course of treatment will increase by 50p from £17.50 to £18.
- The dental charge for a band 2 course of treatment will increase by £1 from £48 to £49.
- The charge for a band 3 course of treatment will increase by £5 from £209 to £214.
Wigs and fabric supports
Charges will be increased by an overall 2.5 per cent for wigs and fabric supports.
Optical vouchers
The range of NHS optical vouchers available to children, people on low incomes and individuals with complex sight problems are also being increased in value. In order to continue to provide help with the cost of spectacles and contact lenses, optical voucher values will rise by an overall 1 per cent.
PPCs can be ordered from the NHS Business Services Authority, or by phoning 0300 330 1341.