NHS revalidation support team website survey
15 January 2013 update: The RST website survey has now closed.

The responses are currently being analysed and the RST will make a decision on any actions necessary for developing its website, to better meet the needs of its visitors, in due course. Results of this will be published on the department’s website shortly.
The NHS Revalidation Support Team (RST), a Department of Health funded body which supports the implementation of revalidation, are currently developing their website to better meet the needs of its visitors. The website aims to provide information, guidance and news on medical appraisal and revalidation for doctors in England.
As part of their website redevelopment, the RST have set up an online survey which takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. The feeback from this survey will be used by the RST to evaluate their website.
The RST would welcome feedback from all users of its website who can take part in an online survey.