Nick Clegg receives a Pink News award for equal marriage
Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg received the Special Award yesterday from Pink News for his work on the equal marriage legislation.

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg attended the inaugural Pink News awards event, hosted by the Speaker of the House of Commons last night (23 October). Nick Clegg was presented with a special award for his work on the equal marriage legislation.
Speaking at the event, Nick Clegg said:
Little did I know that in a relatively short space of time we should now be here celebrating this ground breaking legislation. There are so many people that should quite rightly be thanked for that.
Love should be recognised and celebrated wherever you find it. You shouldn’t have to discriminate between one kind of love or another or against one person’s or one couple’s wish to celebrate that lifelong commitment to the loving relationship.
On 17 July 2013, the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act received Royal Assent, making it part of the law of England and Wales.
The new law will allow same sex couples to marry, while protecting and promoting religious freedom.