News story

Nick Goodwin appointed as Public Guardian

The new Public Guardian for England and Wales and Chief Executive of the Office of the Public Guardian has been announced.

Nick Goodwin

Nick Goodwin, Public Guardian and Chief Executive of the Office of the Public Guardian.

Nick Goodwin, formerly the Ministry of Justice’s (MOJ) director for access to justice policy, has taken over the role of Public Guardian following the retirement of Alan Eccles.

He was successful in fair and open competition for the role and his appointment has been approved by Justice Secretary David Gauke.

Nick has previously headed up teams leading on mental capacity policy at MOJ and has worked closely with the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) before.

He said:

I am delighted to take on the role of Public Guardian and Chief Executive of the Office of the Public Guardian. I know from my prior experience of working on mental capacity policy just how important the work of OPG is in protecting those who have already, or may in future, lose their mental capacity and also in supporting those who care for them.

He also said:

I have been greatly impressed by the dedication and expertise of all the staff I have met and worked with at OPG and just how far the organisation has developed under Alan’s leadership. I look forward to working with staff and its stakeholders to improve its vital services, so that we can deliver on the ambitious and user-centred agenda OPG has set itself.

Alan Eccles retired on 30 June after seven years as Public Guardian and OPG Chief Executive and more than 30 years as a barrister.

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Published 1 July 2019
Last updated 4 September 2019 show all updates
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  2. First published.