Non-executive directors appointed to Regulator of Social Housing
Two new non-executive directors have been appointed to the Board of the Regulator of Social Housing.

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, on behalf of the Deputy Prime Minister, has confirmed the appointment of two new non-executive directors to the Board of the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH).
John Liver and Robert Light joined as non-executive directors (NEDs) of the RSH Board on 1 November 2024.
The RSH undertakes regulation of providers of social housing registered with it, considering how landlords are delivering the outcomes set out in its regulatory standards.
This is an important time for the RSH following the introduction of the strengthened consumer regulation regime in April 2024, which includes routine inspections of large social landlords. The Board will support the RSH to regulate for a viable, efficient and well governed social housing sector that is able to deliver quality homes and services for current and future tenants in the context of its expanded remit.
John Liver has been appointed as Chair of the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee for a term of four years from 1 November 2024 until 31 October 2028.
Robert Light has been appointed as a NED for a term of three years, from 1 November 2024 until 31 October 2027, with a focus on consumers.
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Baroness Taylor of Stevenage, said:
“I welcome the appointment of these new non-executive directors who will be valuable additions as the Regulator continues its vital role in raising standards so that social housing providers deliver quality homes and services for tenants.”
Bernadette Conroy, Chair of the RSH Board, said:
“I am very pleased to welcome our new non-executive directors to the RSH. John and Robert bring considerable knowledge and expertise in senior executive roles which will enhance the Board’s collective skills. I am looking forward to working with them.”
The enhanced board will bring advice and challenge to the RSH Executive Team in their running of the organisation. It will ensure that RSH continues to effectively regulate the social housing sector, while delivering its expanded consumer remit.
Further information:
John Liver
John is an experienced financial services regulatory professional, with over 30 years experience of working in the sector. He also brings considerable experience of audit and risk and is currently a non-executive director at Barclays UK, sitting on the Board Audit and Board Risk Committees. John is also a Board Trustee at the Rethink Mental Illness charity.
Robert Light
Robert brings substantial experience of local government, serving as a Councillor at Kirklees Council for 30 years, including spending three years as Council Leader. He served as the Chair of the Consumer Council for Water between 2019 and 2024, and has experience as Deputy Chair of the Environment Agency, Deputy Chair of the Local Government Association, and on the Board of the Audit Commission.