Non-UK Authorised Animal Medicines Seized
Co-Trimoxazole, Trichoben and Cat Vaccines have been seized at Trilanco Ltd.

A collection of veterinary medicines were identified by VMD Inspectors during a premises visit at Trilanco Ltd.
These veterinary medicines were being held on behalf of Duggan Veterinary.
The premises was not authorised to hold the identified products and consequently they were seized.
The medicines were:
- Co-Trimoxazole 24% – 71 bottles x 100ml
- Trichoben 10ml – 270 packs of 5 x 10ml
- Trichoben 40ml – 30 bottles x 40ml
- Nobivac Tricat – 115 packs of 10 x 1ml
Co-Trimoxazole is an antibiotic, Trichoben is intended for use in cattle, and Nobivac Tricat is intended for use in Cats.
None of the products listed are authorised for use in GB or NI and they were not accompanied by any relevant certification to permit their import.
The medicines were seized under Regulation 25 (Importation of unauthorised veterinary medicinal products) and Regulation 26(2) (Possession of an unauthorised veterinary medicinal product) of the Veterinary Medicines Regulations 2013.
Following the seizure both Trilanco Ltd and Duggan Veterinary have worked with the VMD in order to address this gap and ensure compliance in the future.