Number 10 Press Briefing - Morning 12 December 2012
The Prime Minister's Spokesperson (PMS) answered questions on Adam Posen comments and Maria Miller's adviser.
Adam Posen comments
Asked to comment on the critical views of Adam Posen regarding the Government’s economic policy, the PMS said that the Government believed it had the right economic policies in place and evidence of progress could be seen in the unemployment statistics released that morning.
Maria Miller Adviser
Questioned on the comments of Maria Miller’s Special Adviser in relation to a newspaper’s investigation into the Culture Secretary’s expenses, the PMS said that the adviser was raising legitimate concerns about the way the investigation had been handled. The adviser had made it clear that Maria Miller was in contact with the newspaper editor in question and had made her concerns clear in writing. Asked whether this demonstrated the dangers of politicians controlling the press, the PMS said that it was not unusual or unreasonable for politicians to raise concerns about specific issues.