Ofqual response to Pearson update on A level maths breach
A statement has been issued.

The exams regulator has responded to the update from Pearson on the A level maths exam paper breach with the following statement:
An Ofqual spokesperson said: “Students, parents and teachers have been understandably upset by the rare, irresponsible actions of one centre which breached the security of Pearson’s maths exam taken on Friday. This is completely unacceptable. The integrity of the exam system relies on the trust and diligence of exams officers, teachers, students, exam boards and their suppliers and social media companies – the vast majority of whom take seriously their responsibilities. When that trust is breached our priority, and that of exam boards, is to protect the interests of hard working students.
“We have a team closely monitoring Pearson’s investigation and its approach to awarding the qualification. Our aim is that the outcomes are fair to students. We have been assured by Pearson’s prompt action on Friday to identify the source of the breach and the involvement of the police. As a result of risks identified during its investigation, Pearson has taken the precautionary decision to protect students by replacing the paper for Thursday’s A level further maths exam.
“We will continue to work with the exam boards to make sure the remaining exams of the summer are safely taken. Once results are issued, we will review the summer, including this incident, and consider what more can be done to protect the integrity of the exam system.”