Press release

Ofsted's single inspection takes effect

New framework for child protection; services for looked after children and care leavers; and local authority fostering and adoption services.

Two young people

It brings together into one inspection: child protection; services for looked after children and care leavers; and local authority fostering and adoption services.

We have published the outcome of the consultation that we ran in June/July 2013 on the single inspection. The response report outlines the changes we made to our initial proposals in response to what respondents from across the child protection and looked after children’s services sectors told us.

In October, we ran a further consultation on the review of the local safeguarding children board (LSCB). We have taken all the responses into account and have now published the outcome of this consultation too. We will usually undertake the review of the LSCB at the same time as our inspection of the local authority.

We have now re-published the single inspection framework and the handbook with new sections included on the review of the LSCB.

We are confident that this inspection framework is focused on the right things for children, young people, families and carers. It examines the experiences of children who need help, protection and care from the time this support is first needed until a young person who is looked after has made the transition to living independently as a young adult.

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Published 7 November 2013