One IPO Transformation: stepping up a gear
Our One IPO Transformation project launched in April 2021. Here are the updates for our transformation activity since then.

We shared the first details of our One IPO Transformation Programme in April. Since then we’ve made good progress and are on track with our plans. From September we will be ramping up the pace further.
But first, if you’re new to our transformation plans, or need a reminder, the video below will bring you up to speed. You can also read our One IPO Transformation prospectus.
Manage IP project commenced
We started work on the first of our transformation projects - Manage IP - in March. This is a single service where customers will be able to view and manage all their intellectual property (IP) in one place. They will also be able to change or update their personal information. As part of Manage IP we’re building the customer account, which is the gateway to the new services.
The ‘discovery’ phase
We started the Manage IP project off with the discovery phase where we interviewed different types of customers. This enabled us to understand what our customers need from the Manage IP service so we build the right thing. It also helped us to map out how our future process could work and create early blueprints for the new service. The discovery phase of this project is now complete.
Acting on the feedback: what did we learn?
Here are the important findings our customers told us in the ‘discovery’ phase:
- different customers want to access IPO’s services in different ways. Some attorneys want to manage their IP through the IP software they already use. Others need to be able to delegate access to clients or colleagues and filter through large IP portfolios. Then there are the one-time IP filers who want it to be simple, quick and easy
- in the customer accounts, simple changes, like changing your address, should happen automatically without further checks. More complex changes, such as changing ownership of an IP right, should still need manual checks or approvals
- we need to find a simple way for customers to link their existing IP to their new IPO account. This is a process we have called ‘claim my right’. People don’t want to enter lots of information about their rights when they register, so we’re thinking about how this could work
What’s next for Manage IP?
We are stepping our transformation programme up a gear. For Manage IP we’re moving to the ‘Alpha’ phase, where we’ll start building and testing the parts of the service that are most challenging. We will:
- build prototypes to test and trial features of the new service. For example, we’ll build an end-to-end customer transaction, like changing an address. We’ll also test the customer account to work out what information different customers need to see. Finally we’ll look at how the process of giving access to others (eg a paralegal or a client) could work
- begin to test ideas for how we’ll marry up customer accounts with the IP they own. We don’t currently have all the data we need to automate this fully. We’re looking how we can do this without placing too much of a burden on customers
- explore how we can use Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). These would allow customers to send data to IPO via their own IP management software
The start of the Secure IP project
In September we also started our second transformation project – Secure IP. Secure IP is where customers can do everything involved in securing their IP rights. This includes applying for it, examination and registration or granting of IP rights.
As with the Manage IP project, we will be starting this with a discovery phase. This will allow us to understand what customers need from this part of the service.
Next steps: we need your help
To ensure our new services meet your needs, we need people to help us with our user research and testing. You can sign up to take part by emailing
Keeping you updated
We expect to provide our next update around the turn of the year. By then, we should have some early prototypes of the Manage IP Service ready for testing. We look forward to moving up a gear and making quick progress over the next few months.
If you would like to receive regular updates on IPO’s Transformation project, please contact