Operational Honours and Awards List October 2023
The latest Operational Honours and Awards List recognises the bravery, commitment and commendable service of Armed Forces personnel.

The latest Operational Honours and Awards List has been announced recognising the bravery, commitment, and commendable service of Armed Forces personnel.
The recipients have all shown outstanding courage and dedication while on operations.
The full list is below:
Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE)
Brigadier Christopher KING
Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE)
Lieutenant Colonel (now Colonel) Edward Charles Malet HALL, MBE, Royal Marines
Captain John Matthew PUNCH, MBE, Royal Navy
Lieutenant Colonel (now Acting Colonel) Martin Gerard WINDSOR, The Royal Logistic Corps
Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE)
Lieutenant Colonel Paul James MARTIN, The Royal Irish Regiment
Major Sam Anthony John TOOTH, Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Associate of the Royal Red Cross (ARRC)
Captain Richard Harry AINSWORTH-MASIELLO, Queen Alexandra’s Royal Army Nursing Corps
King’s Commendation for Valuable Service (KCVS)
Leading Photographer Belinda-Jane ALKER, Royal Navy
Lieutenant Commander (now Commander) Oliver Richard Beedom AYERS, Royal Navy
Warrant Officer Class 2 (now Warrant Officer Class 1) Jamie David FORBES, Royal Regiment of Artillery
Captain Robert Malcolm JENKINS, Corps of Royal Engineers
Sergeant Michael Joseph OGDEN, Grenadier Guards
Corporal Navin Kumar RAI, The Queen’s Own Gurkha Logistic Regiment
Major Alanda Christine SCOTT, Corps of Royal Engineers
Major Laurence Malcolm Crozier WILSON, Royal Regiment of Artillery
Major Paul William YOUNG, Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Wing Commander Henry Michael Austin CUMMINS, DL, Royal Auxiliary Air Force
King’s Commendation for Bravery
Chief Petty Officer Engineering Technician (Marine Engineering) Stephen FROOM, Royal Navy
Able Seaman (Seaman) First Class Alfie HULME, Royal Navy
Foreign Awards List
The full list is below:
Lieutenant Colonel James Maccoll CHRISTIE, OBE, The Royal Regiment of Scotland
Lieutenant Colonel Ashley WISEMAN, Royal Regiment of Artillery
Acting Squadron Leader (now retired) Russell Robin COLE, Royal Air Force
Captain Desmond DONWORTH, Royal Navy