News story

Our ongoing commitment to transparency

DCMS data on spend above £500 now available.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

As part of our ongoing commitment to public accountability through the publication of data, we have today published spend on transactions over £500.

You can now view data for the present financial year to 31 August and the previous financial year through the DCMS transparency repository data website, where you can also find data and information on:

  • the department’s and our Arms Length Bodies’ administrative spend and operational data
  • the resource that is invested into programmes, policy and procurement
  • the delivery and outcomes of major programmes and the impact of our policies on society

We are committed to providing the public with information on the performance and productivity of the Department and the impact of our  policies on society. We will continue to publish this data on a monthly basis.

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Published 8 October 2010