Outreach event in Madeira
Reaching out to the community in Funchal
Continuing with our Consulate in the Community initiative, the British Consulate is organising an event in Funchal on Thursday, 21 November, with the aim of raising awareness of consular and other services available to British nationals in Madeira.
The event will be held at the Sala da Assembleia of the Câmara Municipal de Funchal commencing at 4.30pm and finishing at 6.30pm. Doors open at 4pm.
The event will be opened by the Honorary British Consul in Funchal, Joy Menezes, and talks (in English) will be given by:
- British Vice Consul Gillian Herculano, who will be talking about the work undertaken by Consular staff in Portugal.
- Dr. Nuno Vieira Barbosa, Notary Public at Ponta do Sol, who will be explaining the type of services that are available from your local notary public.
- A representative from the Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras who will be clarifying registration procedures for EU nationals who wish to take up residence in Portugal.
There will be an opportunity to ask questions after each presentation.
There are approximately 100 places available and entrance is free so please confirm your attendance by sending an email to notarial.portugal@fco.gov.uk by Tuesday 19 November. If you do not have internet access, please call 808 20 35 37 and ask to speak to a member of the consular team on extension 4118.