Parole Board Open Board Meeting
The Parole Board is holding its first open Management Committee meeting on Thursday 24th November.

The Parole Board Management Committee meeting will be open to anyone who wishes to observe it who has reserved a place, although numbers are limited. It will take place on Thursday 24th November from 13:00 to 15:00 in the Media Suite at 102 Petty France.
The meeting will offer interested parties a chance to observe a typical Management Committee meeting and there will be a chance to ask questions at the end. If you have a question you would like to be addressed at the meeting, please send it in advance to me at the email address below.
The draft agenda includes standing committee items and the Parole Board Strategy, which will be launched shortly. The strategy, which sets out our aims to take us to 2020 was developed in consultation with Parole Board members and staff, and key stakeholders.
There are five over-arching aims:
Safely eliminate the backlog of outstanding cases that are delayed due to capacity constraints by the end of 2017;
Work with partners to ensure that by the end of 2017 the majority of IPP prisoners have been safely released, or where risk is not judged to be manageable in the community, have clear plans in place that will enable them to progress;
Ensure the Board’s remit is focused on those cases where its expertise is of most value and does not detract from partners’ rehabilitative responsibilities;
Ensuring that the Board’s cultural and procedural approach to risk is consistent with the successful implementation of its other strategic objectives.
Ensuring that staff and members of the Board work in partnership to continuously improve our processes, whilst treating all with respect and humanity.
The full strategy will be uploaded to our web pages shortly.
If you would like to attend please contact Gary Hopper ( to reserve a space. Places will be allocated on a first come first serve basis and are limited.