Press release

Part time students in Wales can apply now for student finance

SLC has launched its student finance application service for part time students in Wales.

Image of a female student with the words apply now written across it

Eligible part time students can apply for a Tuition Fee Loan as well as a Maintenance Loan to help with their living costs. They can also get a Welsh Government Learning Grant (WGLG) which doesn’t need to be paid back.

Derek Ross, SLC Executive Director of Operations said: “We are delighted to announce that part-time students in Wales can apply for their student funding. The easiest way to apply is online and as always, the message is to apply now to ensure funding is in place before the start of term. You can apply even if you don’t have a confirmed place at university.”

Five facts about Part time Student Finance

  1. You can apply for a Tuition Fee Loan to pay for tuition fees and a Maintenance Loan to help with living costs. You can also get a WGLG which you don’t have to pay back
  2. Your student finance entitlement is based on your study intensity – not your household income. Your household income will only be used to work out how much Maintenance Loan and how much WGLG make up your entitlement
  3. You need to reapply for funding for each year of your course
  4. You start repaying your loan the April after you finish or leave your course or the April four years after the start of your course (even if you are still studying), whichever comes first You repay 9% of what you earn over the repayment threshold which is currently £26,575 per annum.
  5. Extra help is available if you have a disability or have children or adults who are financially dependent on you.

For more information watch our short film and follow Student Finance Wales on Twitter and Facebook

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Published 15 June 2020