Press release

Partners join forces for coast fish survey

Data wanted to help protect fish nursery grounds

The Environment Agency has joined forces with the Northumberland Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (NIFCA) to carry out an important fish survey on the Northumberland coast.

NIFCA and the Environment Agency fisheries team carried out 6 net deployments at Druridge Bay using the NIFCA patrol boat and a beach seine – which is a net operated from the shore - to capture important data that might help protect nursery grounds for fish in the bay.

NIFCA arranged the fish survey and their committee members and Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Officers (IFCOs) were joined by 3 Environment Agency staff – Phil Rippon, Chris Carter and marine specialist Laura Corrigan – as well as the Northumberland Wildlife Trust.

Phil, who is the Environment Agency’s representative on the NIFCA committee, said:

We work closely with NIFCA on monitoring projects and fisheries enforcement work and this is an example of partners working together to collect important data to inform future projects.

NIFCA Environmental Officer Jon Green added:

We are delighted that Environment Agency officers were able to join us in carrying out this important piece of work and we will be continuing with survey work in Druridge Bay and other areas in the future.

The team found many fish species in the survey, including a sandeel and a baby turbot.

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Published 8 July 2015