Peru invests in British technology in the fight against drug trafficking
The Peruvian government purchases British-made amphibious vehicles for patrolling and military support in the fight against narco-terrorism.

amphibious vehicles, used for patrolling and support of the armed forces in the fight against drug trafficking and terrorism
Defence Minister Pedro Cateriano was in Pucallpa for the first day of operations of two amphibious vehicles, used for patrolling and support of the armed forces in the fight against drug trafficking and terrorism in the Apurimac, Ene and Mantaro River Valley (VRAEM).
The minister said that five British made hovercraft are currently assigned for operations in the VRAEM region: two in Pucallpa, two in Iquitos and one for training. Two further units are expected soon.

Amphibious vehicles, used for patrolling and support of the armed forces