News story

PHE’s National General Practice Profiles updated

Over 150 indicators refreshed with the latest available data.

GP consultation

PHE’s National General Practice Profiles draw together a wide range of information to give an overview of the health needs and priorities for each GP practice in England.

The profiles have been refreshed with 2012 to 2013 data, including the latest Quality Outcomes Framework (QOF) data, which were released at the end of October. Other data sources include the GP Patient Survey and the Attribution Dataset of GP Registered Populations.

The profiles help clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) and local authorities set commissioning priorities and allow individual practices to compare themselves against others and CCGs.

In total, there are around 250 indicators in the profiles, covering more than 99% of practices in England.

The data can be viewed and used in a number of different ways:

  • a summary page showing the population pyramid for a selected practice area and giving key information about numbers of people registered, overall QOF score, ethnicity and deprivation
  • spine charts showing the difference in health between the practice area and the England average, including for a number of clinical domains such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and respiratory disease
  • new trend charts showing changes in each practice area over the four years since the profiles began
  • new QOF indicators for osteoporosis and peripheral arterial disease
  • new smoking prevalence indicators derived from the GP Patient Survey
  • benchmarking against clinical commissioning group, deprivation decile and practice peer group
  • scatter plots allowing the user to explore the relationship between different indicators

The National General Practice Profiles and supporting documentation are available from the Fingertips site

You can also access the profiles and over 100 other PHE data and analytical tools through PHE’s Data and knowledge gateway.

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Published 3 December 2013