Pitch at the Paras result
UKTI Brazil and the Innovation Forum selected 5 UK companies to come to Brazil during Paralympics

UKTI Brazil and the Innovation Forum are delighted to announce the winners for the first branch of the “Pitch at the Paras” competition, who will come to Rio in September in order to present, at the British Paralympic House, their innovative solutions to people with disabilities. They will be then judged by a selected panel of judges.
The selected companies are:
Carbon Black www.carbonblacksystem.com
GiveVision www.give-vision.com
Open Bionics www.openbionics.com
The Active Hands Company www.activehands.com
Walk with Path Ltd www.walkwithpath.com
Congratulations to all winners! A representative from UKTI will contact the winners directly with guidance on next steps and further requirements. We thank all the applicants for their submissions.