Press release

Planned roadworks in the East of England: weekly summary for Monday 25 April to Sunday 1 May 2016

Summary of work being carried out this coming week.

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The following information summarises the work being carried out this coming week. It is correct as of the above date but could be subject to change due to weather conditions or unforeseen circumstances.

New work

A47 Halvergate: ground inspection

We are returning to complete a ground inspection of the A47 by Branch Road near Halvergate. We will be working on Thursday 28 April from 10pm to 5am. We will have three way traffic lights in place while we are working, which will be at the junction of the A47 and Branch Road.

Ongoing work

M11 and A120 Stansted Airport: road repairs

We are undertaking a number of schemes, which includes resurfacing parts of the M11 and A120, as part of a package of works. The package of works should be completed by July. We are also putting in new signs to make the road easier to navigate. We will be working between 8pm and 6am, with a number of road closures, lane closures and slip road closures. There will also be some daytime lane closures with speed limits in place. Where necessary, there will be a clearly signed diversion route in place.

This week we are repairing an embankment on the M11 at junction 6 (M25), working during the day to remove the embankment and then reconstruct it by replacing the material. This will make the embankment more secure and reduce the risk of flooding. We expect to complete this by July.

M11 and A14 Cambridgeshire: improvements

A package of work to carry out resurfacing, safety barrier renewal, bridge repairs, embankment repairs, replacing and installing new signs, repairing damaged kerbs and replacing road markings on the A14 and M11 in Cambridgeshire, has started and will continue until the end of June. The work is part of Highways England’s commitment to improve safety and ensure better journey experiences across the East region’s busiest roads.

You can stay informed of latest closures and works on our website.

This week we are repairing the embankment and the bridge on the A1307 Huntingdon Road. A lane closure is in place in both directions as well as a 40mph speed limit, to remain in place 24 hours a day with the other lane remaining open. We plan to close the inbound road (eastbound) overnight on Thursday 28 April to remove the lane closure. The diversion will be (diversion via A14EB at junction 31 to 32 then the B1149 Cambridge Rd onto the A1307 Huntingdon Rd).

We are renewing and restoring the safety barrier in the centre of the road between junctions 31 (M11 interchange) and 34 (Horningsea). We will be working between 8pm and 6am and plan to finish the work by early May. While we are working there will be lane closures in both directions between the junctions overnight with a 40mph limit throughout the works.

We are working on the A14 westbound from junction 36 (A11) to 31 (Girton and M11), with the road closed while we are working, from Monday 25 to Friday 29 April. The entry slip roads at junctions 35 (Stoke-cum-Quy) and 34 (Horningsea) will remain open for local traffic to junction 33 (A10 and Ely), where westbound drivers will be diverted to take the A11 south to the A505, then head west to the M11, then head north to rejoin the A14 at junction 31. Some nights the closure will only be beneath junction 33 (Milton) westbound, with two lanes closed until junction 32 (Impington). Here drivers will be diverted to exit the A14 and return at the same junction on the far side of the closure.

We are working on the A14 eastbound between junctions 31 (M11 pinch point at Girton) and 34 (Horningsea), with a lane closed while we are working.

The A428 westbound Girton-Madingley lane 2 chicaned lane 1 closure with temporary vehicle restraint barriers, temporary 50mph speed limit and 2.9mtr (9’ 6”) width restriction.

M40: maintenance

We are carrying out maintenance work along the M40 from junction 1 (Uxbridge, London) to 15 (Warwick). This includes sweeping, drainage clearing, litter picking, repainting white lines, vegetation clearance, lighting maintenance and repair works. There will be overnight closures while we are working between 10pm and 6am.

This week we are working on the M40 southbound exit slip road for the M25 at junction 1A and the entry slip roads in both directions from the M25 to join the M40 southbound. We will be working from Monday 25 to Tuesday 26 April. There will be a clearly signed diversion route in place whereby drivers looking to leave the M40 will continue southbound to junction 1 (Uxbridge), exit and return northbound to junction 1A, where they can exit for the M25. Drivers looking to join the M40 will leave the M25 early to join the M40 northbound, exit at junction 2 (Beaconsfield) and return southbound.

We are working on the M40 northbound exit slip and southbound entry slip roads at junction 15 (Warwick). We will be working from Wednesday 27 to Thursday 28 April. There will be a clearly signed diversion route in place whereby drivers looking to leave the M40 will continue north to exit at junction 16, taking the M42 northbound to junction 4 (Stratford Road), exiting and returning southbound to then pick up the M40 southbound where they can exit at junction 15. Drivers looking to join the M40 will take the M40 northbound, following the same diversion as above to return southbound on the M40.

Cycle improvements schemes in Suffolk, Essex, Norfolk and Bedfordshire

We are building or improving cycle paths at 17 locations across the East of England including on the A12, A120, A47 and A5. The work includes the installation of new and upgraded shared-use foot/cycle ways and toucan crossing facilities. The new or improved paths will make it safer and easier to cycle on or around major A-roads and will improve connections with the local and national cycle network. The project is part of a country-wide initiative which will see Highways England deliver 200 projects over the next five years after the government set up a £100 million dedicated fund for cycling in its Road Investment Strategy.

Ongoing work for this week:

A12 Lowestoft – High Street/Old Nelson

Work to the existing crossing at the Artillery Way/Old Nelson street/High Street temporary puffin crossing. We will need to return at a later date to complete the signal work and resurface sections. The existing controlled pedestrian crossing will be removed and replaced with a realigned crossing along High Street, including the installation of new signage, surfacing and pavements to its approaches.

A12 Lowestoft Camden Street/High Street

Work to the existing eastern footpath on A12 Jubilee Way between St Margaret’s Street and Camden Street will start on 18 January to early May. We will need to return at a later date to complete the signal work and resurface sections. The work includes the installation of a new toucan crossing and localised widening of the existing eastern and western footways, as well as installation of new kerbs, street lighting and signage. Work will be carried out under lane closures between 9:30am and 3:30pm.

A12 Lowestoft – Gunton Church Lane/Hollingsworth

Works to the existing eastern and western footpaths on A12 Yarmouth Road between Gunton Church Lane and Hollingsworth Road will continue until early May. We will have to return at a later date to finish electrical elements and minor resurfacing. There will be further work for almost two weeks towards the end of April. The works include the installation of a new toucan crossing and localised widening of the existing eastern and western footways, operations include full depth construction, installation of new kerbs, street lighting, signage, surfacing and lining to its approaches. Works will be carried out under off peak lane closures between 9:30 am and 3:30 pm.

A12 Witham to Marks Tey

Works to the existing northern footpath on the A12 between Witham & Marks Tey and A1304 through Kelvedon will last until mid-May. The existing northern footpath is to be widened and operations include, full depth reconstruction and the installation of new kerbs, signage, fencing, resurfacing and lining. Works will be carried out under night lane closures between 8pm and 5am.

A12 Lowestoft – Bentley Drive/Foxburrow Hill roundabout

Works to the existing eastern and western footpaths on A12 Yarmouth Road between Foxburrow Hill Roundabout and Foxes Walk will finish in mid May. We will have to return at a later date to finish electrical elements and minor resurfacing. The works include the installation of a new toucan crossing and localised widening of the existing eastern and western footways, operations include full depth construction, installation of new kerbs, street lighting, signage, surfacing and lining to its approaches. Works will be carried out under off peak lane closures between 9:30am and 3:30pm.

A12 Katwijk Way – St Peters Street

Work to the existing eastern and western footpaths on Katwijk Way and St Peters Street between St Peters Street Roundabout and Clapham Road Central will last until June. We will have to return at a later date to finish electrical elements and minor resurfacing.

The work includes the upgrade of the existing controlled pedestrian crossing on St Peters Street to a toucan crossing, widening of the southern footway, widening of the footway around the southern end of the roundabout, and installation of a new footpath to the eastern verge on Katwijk Way. The work includes full construction, installation of new kerbs, paving, street lighting, signage, and lining.

Works will be carried out under off peak lane closures between 9:30am and 3:30pm.

A47 Hockering

Work to the A47 to provide a path linking existing cycle routes between North Tuddenham and Hockering will finish in May. The work includes construction of a new cycle path along the verge of the A47, installation of new kerbs, edgings and paving, fencing, drainage, signage and lining. The work will be carried out under lane closures overnight with traffic signals between Fox Lane Bridge and Mill Lane from 7.15pm until 7am.

A12 Lowestoft – Jubilee Way

Work to the existing western and northern arm of the Jubilee Way St Peters Street Roundabout. Work will continue until mid-May and we will have to return at a later date to finish electrical elements and minor resurfacing. The works include the widening of the existing western footpath and the installation of a new toucan crossing on the northern arm of the roundabout. Operations include full depth construction, installation of new kerbs, paving, street lighting, signage, and resurfacing and road markings to the approaches. Work will be carried out under off peak lane closures between 9:30am and 3:30pm.

We are building a new 2.9 mile, two lane dual carriageway running from north of Dunstable and joining the M1 at a new junction 11a, south of Chalton. Main construction started in March 2015.

Work on the M1:

We have started work on the new M1 junction and bridges. The traffic management, including hard shoulder closures, safety barriers, signs, CCTV and average speed cameras, will stay in place throughout the junction construction work, which will be carried out in phases and should be finished in spring 2017 as the scheme nears completion. There will also be overnight lane closures when required, which will be clearly signed.

Work on the A5:

On the A5, travelling from the A505, roundabout traffic has been realigned and now runs on the east side of the carriageway on one lane in each direction to allow for embankment work. Overnight three way traffic lights will be on A5/A505 between 8pm and 6pm.

There will be two-way, off peak traffic lights occasionally in place for day-time work on the B579 Luton Rd near Vauxhall and into Chalton village.

There will be two way, off peak traffic lights occasionally in place for daytime work on the A5120 between Thorn Road and Tebworth Road.

A11 Red Lodge: layby improvements

We are working to improve safety on the A11 at the northbound layby near Red Lodge by bringing the entry and exits up to current standards. The works also include resurfacing the layby and approximately 350 metres of the inside lane of the A11. We will soon be having overnight road closures with clearly signed diversions in place to complete this work. Currently we are just working in the layby without disrupting traffic.

A12 Essex: improvements

We are working to improve the A12 in Essex and Suffolk, making the road safer and improving the road surface. We are also putting in place new signs to make the road easier to navigate. Work at various locations along the route will be ongoing until spring 2016. The work is part of Highways England’s commitment to improve safety and ensure better journey experiences across the East region’s busiest roads. Works take place overnight between 8pm and 6am and not at weekends so as to minimise disruption for drivers.

You can stay informed of latest closures and works on our website.

This week, we are reconstructing an embankment north of Colchester at junction 29, with work expected to be completed by mid-May. The A12 will be closed northbound beneath junction 29 while we are working, with drivers diverted to exit at the junction and re-join on the other side of the works.

A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon major improvements: survey work

We are currently carrying out topographical, drainage, pavement, existing services and street lighting surveys. We expect to complete these this summer.

These surveys allow us to map the layout and level of the existing road and assets (such as bridges), drainage network and adjacent land, so that we can fully understand the landscape we will be working in and finalise the design of the new road.

Surveys are taking place along the whole of the scheme route. This includes the land where the new Huntingdon southern bypass would be built and the existing A1 and A14 that form part of the scheme. Surveys of the existing route will require lane closures in both directions and, wherever possible, will take place at night only (usually between 8pm and 6am) to minimise any disruption to traffic. No heavy machinery or plant equipment will be used.

Surveys are currently scheduled on:

  • Monday 25 April: West End Road, Brampton - narrow lanes, daytime investigations
  • Monday 25 April: Silver Street, Godmanchester - narrow lanes, daytime investigations
  • Monday 25 April: A14 westbound, junction 29 (Bar Hill) to junction 28a (Robins Lane)
  • Monday 25 and Tuesday 26 April: A14 overbridge at junction 29 (Bar Hill) - two way traffic light closure
  • Tuesday 26 to Friday 29 April: Potton Road, Hilton – two way traffic light closure, daytime investigations
  • Tuesday 26 to Wednesday 27 April: Hilton Road, Hilton – two way traffic light closures, daytime investigations
  • Tuesday 26 April: A14 westbound, junction 28a (Robins Lane)
  • Wednesday 27 April: Buckingway Road, Boxworth End - three way traffic light closure
  • Thursday 28 and Friday 29 April: Conington Road, Conington - two way traffic light closure, daytime investigations
  • Thursday 28 and Friday 29 April: M11 northbound, junction 14 and A14 westbound, junction 31 (Girton)
  • Thursday 28 April: A14 junction 28 (Swavesey)
  • Friday 29 April: A1/A14 Brampton Hut

A14 Stowmarket: Hill House viaduct repairs

We are repairing the A14 on the Hill House viaduct between junctions 49 and 50 as it passes Stowmarket. This work should be completed by July. We will be working between 8pm and 6am on weekdays and some weekends during this period. While we are working we will close the A14 in one direction, installing a contraflow system in place so that traffic can still use the A14.

The A14 will have to be closed for one night in each direction while we install the contraflow. When the A14 is closed, there will be a clearly signed diversion route in place. There will be a 40mph speed limit in place 24/7 throughout the works to protect the ramps and exposed parts of the road we are working on. For a short section of this there is a 20mph speed limit while drivers pass over the ramps.

Currently we are working on the eastbound carriageway of the A14, which will be closed overnight while we are working during the week and 24 hours throughout the weekend. Due to this, contraflow will be running on the westbound carriageway with traffic able to continue travelling in either direction, but only in one lane while passing our works.

There will be one further weekend when we expect a 24 hour closure in May. Further details of these closures, which are dependent on works progress, will be released closer to the time. Throughout the weekend closures there will be a clearly signed diversion route in place.

A138 Chelmer Village, Chelmsford, Essex: Chelmer viaduct replacement

Work to rebuild the viaduct at Chelmer on the A138 started on 17 March 2015.

The new viaduct structure opened to traffic on Monday 18 April 2016. The footway/cycleway will open to pedestrians on 22 April. Works are now ongoing under the structure to facilitate installation of grass cell and prepare permanent maintenance roads and fencing.

The temporary Bailey bridge over the River Chelmer will be removed during the week of 25 April, with works programmed to last for one week.

Work is underway to facilitate demolition of the old structure which includes removal of existing services and preparation for the subsequent earthworks and demolition. This includes the implementation of temporary protection measures to existing services during demolition. Demolition will be independent from the new structure and will not impact traffic flows.

A428 Madingley Road: resurfacing

We are repairing and maintaining the A428 at the Cambridge Road Bridge by Madingley, working from 8pm to 6am. We expect this work to be completed by July. To keep road users at a safe distance from the works, we will have lanes closed both east and westbound, though not in both directions at the same time to begin with.

Currently there is a lane closure westbound with barriers, a 50mph speed limit and a 9ft 6in width restriction. These closures will be in place 24/7 for the duration of the works, for five weeks in each direction. These lane closures, which will also have a 50mph speed limit in place, will be from Cambridge Road and Madingley to the A1303.

General enquiries

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Published 25 April 2016