Planning Inspectorate Wales transition to new service
On 1 October 2021 the staff and functions of Planning Inspectorate Wales will transfer to Welsh Government.

Planning appeals and other casework handled by Planning Inspectorate Wales will transfer to the new service. The new division will be called Planning and Environment Decisions Wales - Penderfyniadau Cynllunio ac Amgylchedd Cymru.
Developments of National Significance (DNS) cases will also transfer to the new service. Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIP) that include locations in Wales under the Planning Act 2008 will not be affected by the separation and will continue under the Planning Inspectorate (England).
The transition will involve the transfer of existing cases to a new casework processing system and to assist the transfer of data. This will mean a pause in accepting new Wales-based cases (appeals and other cases) from 16 September.
Appeals Casework
Customers will not be able to submit Wales-based appeals or submit statements/evidence via the Appeals Casework Portal (ACP) after 16 September. However, the team based in the Wales office will accept appeals, other casework and submit statements/evidence by email and post.
Customers can contact the Wales team via post addressed to:
Planning Inspectorate Wales,
Crown Building,
Cathays Park,
CF10 3NQ
Arolygiaeth Gynllunio Cymru Adeilad y Goron,
Parc Cathays,
CF10 3NQ
Or via email:
If customers submit an appeal or other case to the team in the Wales office after 16 September, the date of submission will be accepted as the date the appeal is made in relation to the statutory deadlines for submitting appeals and other cases. The appeal/case will be started as soon as possible after the transfer to Planning and Environment Decisions Wales.
Developments of National Significance (DNS)
From the 16 September we will also not be able to publish new material to the Developments of National Significance (DNS) Portal website. Whilst we can still accept correspondence relating to ongoing DNS applications by email and post after this date (contact details as above), we will have reduced ability to process any Notifications of Intention to Submit (Notifications) or new DNS application submissions during this time.
From 30 September 2021, the current DNS website will cease to operate. All information will be transferred to a new site hosted by Welsh Government due to launch on or after 11 October.
Please submit notifications or application submissions either before 16 September or after 11 October. This will help us to deliver our services with minimum disruption.
Continuing casework in Wales
The team in Wales will continue working on existing cases from 16 September to 29 September. Following time to train on the new systems as part of Welsh Government, the team will resume casework from 11 October when Planning and Environment Decisions Wales is fully operational.
The change of casework systems will result in a change to case reference numbers but customers will be informed of a new number and where to see all the documentation at the earliest opportunity once the transfer has happened.
Further details on the new Wales-based online portals will be issued soon.
For information about the service of the new organisation visit or
See also related news items:
- Planning Inspectorate Wales separation – 26 August 2021 (GOV.UK)
- Planning Inspectorate Wales services update – 17 August 2021 (GOV.Wales)