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PM call with Chancellor Merkel: 7 July 2020

Prime Minister Boris Johnson spoke to German Chancellor Merkel earlier today.

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government

The Prime Minister spoke to German Chancellor Angela Merkel this afternoon to discuss the global coronavirus response, foreign policy issues and our future relationship with the EU.

The leaders spoke about the importance of international collaboration on coronavirus, including on the work to find a vaccine.

On the future relationship, the Prime Minister underlined the UK’s commitment to working hard to find an early agreement out of the intensified talks process. He also noted that the UK equally would be ready to leave the transition period on Australia terms if an agreement could not in the end be reached.

On foreign affairs, the Prime Minister and Chancellor Merkel discussed their concern about possible unilateral annexation of territory in the West Bank by Israel, and pledged to redouble efforts to secure a negotiated solution to the crisis in Libya.

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Published 7 July 2020