Press release

PM call with President Zelenskyy: 22 May 2022

The Prime Minister spoke to Ukrainian President Zelenskyy this evening.

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government

The Prime Minister spoke to Ukrainian President Zelenskyy this evening.

The Prime Minister paid tribute to the incredible courage demonstrated by the President and his family in recent months. He expressed his profound hope that they would, along with all the people of Ukraine, be able to return to life as normal one day soon.

President Zelenskyy thanked the Prime Minister for the UK’s ongoing support. The Prime Minister reiterated that the British people are 1000% behind the people of Ukraine. He outlined both the most recent defensive support the UK has sent to Ukraine and the further sanctions being imposed on Putin and his supporters.

The leaders discussed Putin’s despicable blockade of Odesa, Ukraine’s biggest shipping port. The Prime Minister resolved to redouble efforts to provide vital food and humanitarian aid to the people of Ukraine and ensure that the country was able to export to the rest of the world.

The leaders agreed on the need for the international community to remain united in its condemnation of Putin’s barbarism. The Prime Minister said that every country had a duty to help Ukraine in their struggle for freedom, both now and in the long-term.

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Published 23 May 2022