News story

PM delivers statement on Afghanistan

The Prime Minister's statement to the House of Commons on the mission in Afghanistan.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Prime Minister David Cameron has spoken to the House of Commons setting out how the government will approach the mission in Afghanistan - and how the mission is progressing.

The PM said that 2010 was the vital year for the mission and we “must redouble our efforts to drive progress”.

Mr Cameron also said today’s statement was the first of regular updates to the House on the Mission in Afghanistan, with quarterly statements by the Foreign and Defence Secretary.

There will also be monthly updates on the security situation, training the Afghan Security Forces and our development work.

The PM said:

Our Forces will not remain in Afghanistan a day longer than is necessary - and I want to bring them home the moment it is safe to do so.

The key to success is training and equipping the Afghan security forces at every level to take on the task of securing their country - so Afghans can chart their own way in the world without their country posing a threat to others and our forces can come home, the job done, their heads held high.

He also stressed the UK’s backing for the Afghan strategy developed by the ISAF Commander General McChrystal.

Mr Cameron concluded his statement by saying there is “no national interest more vital” than what our servicemen and women are fighting for in Helmand.

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Published 14 June 2010