PM meeting with Jean-Claude Juncker, 25 May 2015
Prime Minister David Cameron hosted a working dinner with Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, at Chequers.

A Downing Street spokesperson said:
The Prime Minister hosted Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, at Chequers this evening for a working dinner.
The talks focused on reforming the European Union (EU) and renegotiating the UK’s relationship with it.
The Prime Minister underlined that the British people are not happy with the status quo and believe that the EU needs to change in order to better address their concerns.
Mr Juncker reiterated that he wanted to find a fair deal for the UK and would seek to help. They talked through the issue at some length in the spirit of finding solutions to these problems. They agreed that more discussion would be needed, including with other leaders, on the best way forward.
They also discussed the Greek economic situation and the ongoing talks in the Eurozone; the situation in Ukraine and relations with Russia including the extension of sanctions later this year.
The Prime Minister gave Mr Juncker a tour of the house and the gardens before they dined on a spring salad, followed by pork belly and vegetables and a dessert of lime bavarois.