PM meeting with Prime Minister Zeidan
David Cameron met with Prime Minister Zeidan of Libya to discuss security and business opportunities, among other issues.

Following the meeting, a Downing Street spokesperson said:
The Prime Minister met Prime Minister Zeidan of Libya earlier today (17 September).
The Prime Minister said he was proud of the role Britain had played helping Libyans get rid of Qadhafi and that Britain remains deeply committed to helping Libyans build a new, more stable, democratic and prosperous Libya, free of terrorism.
Discussions focused on how the international community could support Prime Minister Zeidan’s efforts to improve security in the country, building on the agreement at the Lough Erne G8 to help train the Libyan armed forces. They also discussed how Britain and other countries could assist in the challenge of reducing the supply of arms inside Libya and reintegrating the militias into normal life.
On the bilateral relationship, the leaders discussed the opportunities for British business in Libya, particularly in the health, energy and security sectors. The Prime Minister underlined the importance of progress to resolve outstanding bilateral issues from the Qadhafi era, including the investigation into the murder of WPC Yvonne Fletcher and addressing the impact of Qadhafi-sponsored terrorism in Northern Ireland and elsewhere in the UK.