PM statement on Nissan Sunderland plant announcement
Prime Minister Theresa May gave a statement following Nissan's decision to produce the Qashqai and a new model at their Sunderland plant.

Prime Minister Theresa May said:
This is fantastic news for the UK. Nissan is at the heart of this country’s strong automotive industry and so I welcome their decision to produce the Qashqai and a new model at their Sunderland plant.
It is a recognition that the government is committed to creating and supporting the right conditions for the automotive industry so it continues to grow – now and in the future. This vote of confidence shows Britain is open for business and that we remain an outward-looking, world-leading nation.
The government will continue to work closely with employers and investors in creating a global Britain, a country where there are new opportunities for jobs and rewarding careers. Families across the north-east will be delighted at this news today and I share in their enthusiasm for what this means not just for them, but for the whole of the UK.