News story

PM statement on Norman St John-Stevas

"The fact that today Select Committees are more powerful than at any point in their history is a lasting tribute to him"

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Please find below a statement from the Prime Minister on the death of Norman St John-Stevas.

Prime Minister David Cameron said:

Norman St John-Stevas was a great and flamboyant political character - intelligent, witty and unfailingly polite. I was lucky to get him in to No10 after becoming Prime Minister to hear his advice. He came to a reception at Downing Street this Christmas and was amongst the last to leave, chatting amiably to young and old alike with his great charm.

He was the architect of the Select Committee system, which has been truly important in raising Parliament’s game in scrutinising the Government. The fact that today Select Committees are more powerful than at any point in their history is a lasting tribute to him.

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Published 6 March 2012