Police forces praised for rising to spending challenge
Police forces are improving services and still making significant savings, the Policing Minister said today.

In a speech hosted by Cityforum, Nick Herbert said a transformation in police ways of working was well underway and welcomed the millions of pounds in savings already achieved.
He said: ‘Forces shouldn’t be constrained by the way things have been done in the past.
‘In seeking better service at reduced cost, the police should look across the range of possibilities including collaboration with other forces or public services, partnering with private sector providers and work out what best fits their local circumstances.’
National air service
The minister went even further in helping forces deliver these savings by announcing a new national air service that will save £15 million a year. The plan will give all forces access to helicopter support 24 hours a day, 365 day a year.
Nick Herbert said: ‘The service is well on its way to delivering the savings of over £2 billion which are required. But, equally importantly, it has also begun the process of transformation that will ensure that forces can improve services while lowering cost.’
Skills and leadership
This work is part of the government’s radical package of police reform which includes a new professional body that will develop skills and leadership, enabling the drive to reduce bureaucracy and with greater accountability to the public.
Together with directly elected police and crime commissioners and the new National Crime Agency, this is a strong and coherent agenda for reform which will free the police to fight crime at the national and local level, deliver better value for the taxpayer, and give the public a stronger voice.
You can read the Minister’s speech in full.