Press release

Press briefing: afternoon 10 October 2013

The Prime Minister’s Spokesperson (PMS) answered questions about Libya and energy prices.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
10 Downing Street


Asked about the situation in Libya, the PMS said there were many challenges faced by the Libyan government and offering them support was the best way to a solution. It was important not to lose sight of the fact that since Colonel Gaddafi had been overthrown there had been genuine elections in Libya. The government knew that the transition would take time and the Libyans would need continued support.

Energy prices

Asked about energy prices, the PMS pointed journalists to the comments made by the Prime Minister in Yorkshire that day. The PMS reiterated that the country needed a competitive energy market to support low bills for 20 years that also included a broad mix of energy sources.


Asked about Leveson and the introduction of a royal charter, the PMS said there was no change to the planned timetable.

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Published 11 October 2013