Press release

Press briefing: afternoon 13 February

The Prime Minister’s Spokesperson (PMS) answered questions on flooding and the Crown Prosecution Service.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government


Asked about the use of sandbags, the PMS said households and businesses needed sandbags to deal with the floods. They should get them for free and government would reimburse local authorities through the Bellwin scheme.

Asked about support for farmers, the PMS said the government was looking closely at the issue with local authorities and the National Farmer’s Union.

Asked about application to the EU solidarity fund, the PMS said the fund had certain criteria for application. Any application would be for reimbursement rather than upfront financial support. The government would look at all ways of support available for communities.

Asked about insurance claims, the PMS said the government had met - and was continuing to meet - with the industry regarding insurance and assistance given to communities over claims. The Flood Re scheme had also previously been set up to extend the scope of insurance. The government would consider all good ideas from communities and the insurance sector.

Crown Prosecution Service

Asked whether the PM had confidence in the Crown Prosecution Service after recent trials had collapsed, the PMS said the PM did. Decisions for independent authorities were theirs to make.

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Published 13 February 2014