Government response

Press briefing: afternoon 16 October 2013

The Prime Minister’s Spokesperson (PMS) answered questions on Albania, a CWU strike, football, press regulation and national security.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Andrew Mitchell

Asked if the Prime Minister (PM) had spoken to Andrew Mitchell in the last day or so, the PMS said not to his knowledge, but he understood the PM spoke to Andrew Mitchell from time to time.

CWU strikes

Asked if the PM thought Communication Worker’s Union (CWU) workers should strike, the PMS said that the PM hoped that industrial action wouldn’t go ahead, it wasn’t necessary and it should be talks and not strikes to resolve issues.


Asked if the PM had a view on whether Albania should become a member of the EU, the PMS referred media to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.


Asked if the PM had taken the opportunity of the Joint Ministerial Committee to urge Alex Salmond to support England at the World Cup, the PMS said he didn’t believe that was a formal agenda item.

Asked if the PM had sent a message to the England team, the PMS referred media to the PM’s tweet the previous evening.

National Security

Asked about the PM’s comments on Select Committees that might want to look at the issue of the Guardian and national security, the PMS said the PM was referring to the fact that committees of the House could look into matters of interest to them.

Asked whether the PM should encourage authorities to take legal action, the PMS said decisions must be for the relevant authorities.

Press regulation

Asked if the PM was aware of a polite protest in the Royal Household over plans to use a Royal Charter for press regulation, the PMS said he hadn’t seen that. Asked whether the Queen had raised the issue with the PM, the PMS said that government didn’t comment on discussions between the PM and the Queen.

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Published 29 October 2013