Press briefing: afternoon 2 December 2013
The Prime Minister’s Spokesperson (PMS) answered questions on energy, cost of living, Iran and the EU.
Asked about energy bills, the PMS said the government had taken measures to take around £50 off the average energy bill. There were bill components out of direct government control, but the Prime Minister (PM) believed there should be more competition in the market and had announced an annual competition review.
Cost of living
Asked whether the government had been slow to react to help people’s cost of living, the PMS said it had not. The recent measures on energy bills had been part of a broad range of action the government had taken to help hardworking families. There had been measures on petrol prices, council tax and personal tax allowances. In 2012, average real disposable income had gone up.
Asked about the UK Chargé D’Affaires going to Tehran, the PMS said the visit was part of the step by step process to seek stronger relations.
Asked about the Attorney General’s comments on the EU, the PMS said the PM had previously spoken about powers only flowing one way and how it was important they began to flow back.