Press release

Press briefing: morning 7 July 2014

The Prime Minister's Spokesperson (PMS) answered questions on child abuse and a visit to India.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Child abuse

Asked why the government had decided to announce a new review into child abuse allegations, the PMS said the Prime Minister was determined to get to the bottom of the many questions surrounding these allegations. The PMS explained that there would be 2 main elements. First, a review of the Home Office handling of information passed to the department between 1979 and 1999 and related issues. Second, a process by which lessons could be learned about how public institutions perform their duty of care towards young people. The Home Secretary would announce further details on both later in the House. Alongside this, the PMS noted that anyone with information relating to alleged criminal activity should report it to the police.

Asked about the form the first 2 elements would take, the PMS said it was important they were independent and authoritative. He noted that the Hillsborough Panel inquiry had attracted considerable support for the way it had gone about its work.

Asked what Leon Brittan’s relationship had been with the Prime Minister, the PMS said Leon Brittan had a short-term role as a trade advisor to the government in 2010.

India visit

Asked if the Prime Minister expected ministers to discuss human rights issues when they met Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the PMS said, as always, no issue was off the table when government representatives visited overseas counterparts.

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Published 7 July 2014